77. Workflow persistence two parameters, Choose 2
1. Frequency
2. Level
3. Dynamic
4. Value
78. Static picklist does which of the following, Choose 2
1. Updates joined fields
2. Picks value in to destination field
3. Can be bounded or unbounded
4. Can be only bounded
79. MVG does which of the following, Chose two
1. Runs just one query to retrieve parent record and the primary child record
2. Retrieves all child record in one query
3. Increases space on the View
4. Can have zero or more MVF
80. Where all can u compare object definition, Choose 3
1. Archive file and local repository
2. Import file to Export File
3. Server repository and local repository
4. Archive file and server repository
81. ____ replace Siebel tags with _____
1. SWE
2. Data Manager
3. Repository data
4. Seed Data
5. Master Data
82. show drop down box contain
1. Views with related data
2. Views with unrelated data
3. Applet with related data
4. Applet with unrelated data
83. Business components refers to
1. One table in the database
2. One or many table in the database
3. Many table in the database
4. One table and Many Columns in the database
84. To bring party data into non-party business component the join specification destination column should refer
3. ROW_ID of
4. Id
85. S_BU and S_ORG_EXT has 1:1 relation ROW_ID of S_BU is M-01-UX and the row_id of corresponding row in S_ORG_EXT is U-02-XY then the value of foreign key in S_ORG_EXT which refers to S_BU is
1. M-01-UX
2. U-02-XY
3. New ID Value
86. For 1:M link you have to set
1. Parent business component
2. Destination column
3. Inter Parent Table
4. Inter table
5. Inter Child Table
87. For parent, child, and grandchild in view you need
1. 1 link
2. 2 links
3. 3 links
4. 1 link and 1 join
88. Which Position can delete, merge and do a forecast of opportunity
1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Created By
4. Siebel Administrator
89. To have good performance you need to set sort specification
1. In DESC order as that in Index
2. In the same order as that in Index
3. Non-Index Columns
4. Use Columns from extension tables
90. If a post default value is set for the field in BC then
1. It assigns value to field if the user does not enter any value for it before inserting record in the database
2. It assigns default value to the field even if the user assigns a value before save.
3. It assigns a default value and user can overwrite the value set
91. If no default drilldown is configured in dynamic drilldown then on clicking
1. No drill down will occur
2. Will display Error
3. Drill down to the first configured drilldown
4. Drill down to the last configured drilldown
92. Siebel support relation of type, choose 3
1. 1:1
2. 1:M
3. M:M
4. 1:2
93. If mobile client goes for a long leave what is the following best option
1. To deactivate the user and create a new account upon arrival
2. To deactivate the user and activate and synchronize upon arrival
3. To deactivate the user and extract the new database again when he returns.
94. Which of the following is TRUE for using Picklist
1. Only for updating SVF
2. Only for updating MVF
3. Updating joined field in BC
1 and 3
95. For personal based access control, owner type is set to
1. Person
2. Position
3. Organization
4. Group
96. My Teams view shows data for
1. All record assigned to him
2. All his subordinates
3. All records across the organization
97. Advantages of internalization is
1. Uni-directional support
2. Bi-directional support
3. Single Currency
4. Single number format
98. Dataimp.exe is used for
1. Install Database
2. Import Repository
3. Importing data into EIM tables from flat files
4. Import Administrative data
99. What is Siebel mid market edition?, Choose 3
1. Designed for companies with fewer than 100 users
2. Designed for companies with fewer than 1000 users
3. An integrated product suite that help manage customer relationships
4. Built on common architecture
100. Which is not possible with web client
2. Client side scripting
3. Authentication
4. Server Management
101. If thread title is not set for the view then
1. It will not display the Thread
2. It will take the value from view title
3. It will take the value from applet
4. It will use the ViewBar Text
102. To make a search for all entity that start with “M” how will u do it
1. Use search Repository
2. Go to HelpàContentsàIndex then click M
3. Use Flat Tab
103. Which type of applet shows only one record at a time?
1. List
2. Form
3. Detail
4. Tree
104. Function of SWSE is
1. To routes the Siebel request to appropriate Siebel server component
2. To Manage Siebel Servers
3. To Load Balance
105. Data for Siebel application is managed by
1. Object Manager
2. Siebel Web Engine
3. Data Manager
106. For mobile client in disconnect processing
1. Local web server
2. Local Gateway
3. Local Siebel Server
4. Local Object Manager
5. Local Data Manager
107. If u want to take the back up copy of the local database what are the steps u are going to do?choose three
a)copy the .dbf files
b)check in proj to server
c)check out proj to server
d)select the object in tools and click save
e)archieve files
186. In an applet what a rule set does?choose one
a)creates a query in the applet to fetch a subset of records
b)hides the applet
c)hides certain data
108. If u work on locally locked proj what are the things pozz?choose one
a)u can test some changes locally which can be discarded later.
b)once tested locally changes can be put on the server.
109. what variables are stored in the database for registered users?choose one
a)persitent variables
b)dynamic Variables
188. What are the following things done in regards to a BC?choose two
a)copy BC's having specialised classes.
b)check the ancester upgrade property to true
c)u cannot delete standard fields in the BC b'coz they have underlying code beneath.
d)u edit certain changes which can be compiled later
189. You have a view comprising of a list applet at the top and a form applet in the bottom?choose one
a)consists of 2 business objects
b)consists of two business component
c)consists of one business component
190. When u will register the web template?choose one
a)when it is copied.
b)when it is created.
c)when the obj is created and need to be registered.
191. epricer,eauction are what applications?choose one
192. Diagrams are provided and asked for visibility?In the Account BC Visiblity MVL and Visibility Visbility MVF are provided as organization.What type of visibility is it?choose one
a)single organization
b)multiple organization
193. What is the purpose of using mvg?choose two
a)displays applet on demand
b)queries along with the parent applet
194. What does a join do in the following ?choose one
a)fetches records for a BC from a 1:M table by creating a join.
b)creates a 1:1 or M:1 relationship with one entity of 1 or many side of the table.
194. You have a assignment manger with scores for product as 10,sub process as 15 and skill as Which is the most imp assignment?choose one
b)sub process
195. A eim ifb file is given.from that it is asked as to what table the eim task populates?
here under ifb file againg only base table s_prod_int was written.S_prod_int is the answer.
196. What are the advantages of frequent synchronization?choose four
a)Saves disk space
b)keeps the most recent data on the server.No prob if the local database is damaged.
(This is a direct question from our guide three)
197. Which task keeps track of all the changes wrt mobile clients on the server?choose one
a)Transaction Merger
b)Transaction Processer
c)Synchronization Manager
d)Transaction Processer
198. Which of the following are not pozz wrt list applets?choose one
a)Cannot scroll with vertical scroll bars
b)for employee applications implicit save is there.
c)presents data from many tables and columns
d)sorting is pozz
199. A person is having 3 positions of which sales mgr is the primary position?when he logs in he will log in with which position?
ans) he will log on with primary position.
200. How does a mobile web client connect to the server while synchronizing?choose one
a)through web server
b)through lan server and from there through web server.
c)through Gateway server
d)Database server
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